Monday, March 25, 2013

The Story of a Rock

Schist: A Metamorphic Rock.
How the rock cycle works:  In the beginning the Schist started off as shale, a sedimentary rock. Then the little rock started to erode and was weathered away.  The rock then became melted and the solidify and exposed to high pressures and heat.  The heat and pressured formed the metamorphic rock into Slate.  After time has gone by and more heat and pressure are added, the slate will then turn into Phyllite and lastly into Schist.  Schist has a foliate texture that contains medium to coarse grain sizes.   If Schist undergoes more pressure and heat it would them metamorphic into Gniess, a foliated rock with layers of light and dark colors.  Gneiss is also harder than glass.