Friday, April 19, 2013

Pizza Lab: Earth's crust

In class we had to determine the Earth's layers using the layers of a slice of pizza.  We used the Pizza crust as the Earth's mantle, sauce as the upper mantle
Pizza Crust= Earth's Mantle
Sauce=Upper Mantle
Cheese= Oceanic Crust
Toppings: Continental Crust

Friday, April 5, 2013

US Populations, Mid 1800

What is the comparison between these cities in mid 1800's
  • New York, NY
  • Baltimore, MD
  • Boston, MA
  • Philadelphia, PA
  • New Orleans
  • Cincinnati, OH
  • Brooklyn, NY
  • St. Louis, MO
  • Spring Garden, PA
  • Albany, NY

I have no idea where Spring Garden, PA is located.  My best guess is that they are all towns with music, culture, and or places near water.

According to class, all these cities are located near water. 

Landscapes Fashioned by Water
  • Earth's external processess
  • The water cycle
  • Running water
  • Water sculpture
  • Groundwater
  • Caves and karst topography (Leaving rocks behind)
 How much water is there and where is it distributed?  If you had 100$.

55 Dollars Ocean 
10 Ground Water
10 Dollars Clouds
10 Dollars Glaciers 
5 Dollars Lakes
5 Dollars River's and Streams
5 Dollars Soil Moisture

Correct Answer:
  • $97.20 Oceans
  • $2.15 Glaciers
  •  $.62 Ground Water
  • $00.09 Fresh Water Lakes
  • $00.08 Salt Water Lakes and Seas
  • $00.07 Variable
  • $00.05 Soil Moisture
  • $00.01 Atmosphere
  • $0.0001 Streams

The Water Cycle


Monday, March 25, 2013

The Story of a Rock

Schist: A Metamorphic Rock.
How the rock cycle works:  In the beginning the Schist started off as shale, a sedimentary rock. Then the little rock started to erode and was weathered away.  The rock then became melted and the solidify and exposed to high pressures and heat.  The heat and pressured formed the metamorphic rock into Slate.  After time has gone by and more heat and pressure are added, the slate will then turn into Phyllite and lastly into Schist.  Schist has a foliate texture that contains medium to coarse grain sizes.   If Schist undergoes more pressure and heat it would them metamorphic into Gniess, a foliated rock with layers of light and dark colors.  Gneiss is also harder than glass.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Simulations, Models, and Analogues

What are simulations, models, and analogues?
A simulation is a representation of an operation or enactment.  In class we simulated crystal structures by using coal, chemicals, and sponges.  Those products allowed enacted how a crystal forms over a period of a few days.

A model is a representation of an example for comparing an item or data.  In class we created models for mineral identifications. Another example of a model is a globe of the Earth to show what the Earth looks like.

Analogues are a group of chemical structures that are similar in structure but are different in element composition.  An example of this could be the different types of minerals and rocks, some share similar attributes but are made up of a different element compotsition.

What are some examples of models?
Some examples of models that deals with rocks and minerals are showing a class what some items are made up.  A teacher could hold up a pencil and ask what the lead if made up of.  The students then would answer graphite.  Other examples are pointing to drywall--gypsum, or even showing a picture of a milkshake and asking what mineral can be found in milkshakes--kaolinite. Some other models are having students build a rock using plaster-glue like solution, sand, and small pebbles to make a sandstone type of composition.  Then a student maybe able to have that rock for a long time.

Taking the ingredients for an oatmeal chocolate chip cookie and having the children label what types of minerals and compositions are in igneous rocks.
An example of a model for metamorphic rock is for students to melt crayons and mush them together.
An example of a sedimentary rock for children is by gluing bits and pieces of cereal together using marshmallows. (Rice Crispies)

Here is a list of some great websites that have wonderful ideas to create models and representations of rocks and minerals.

Monday, March 18, 2013


A mineral is...
1. Natural occurring
2. Is a solid
3. Inorganic
4. Has a crystalline structure
5. Has a chemical component


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Covalent and Ionic Bonds

Covalent Bonds are the sharing of electrons.
Ionic Bonds are opposite ionic charges that are attracted together.

The elements in the periodic table list elements that includes ionic numbers, how many protons and electrons that are in the

Mrs. Stewart's Crystal Garden

Here is how to make a crystal garden by

  • 1 container (per child) – plastic (clear polystyrene) to-go dishes work well
  • Several small pieces of porous material to grow on per container – sponges, clay pot pieces, BBQ Briquettes, etc.
  • Water
  • Ammonia
  • Laundry Bluing (such as Mrs. Stewart’s Liquid Bluing…careful it stains!)
  • Salt
  • 1 small paper cup to mix ingredients (Dixie Cup)
  • 1 plastic spoon
  • Food Coloring (optional)
Begin by mixing 2 tablespoons of salt with 4 tablespoons of water, stirring to dissolve as much salt as possible.  Next add 2 tablespoons each of ammonia and laundry bluing, again mixing as you go.  The mixture will be a blue, watery sludge.  Pour the sludge, liquid and extra salt, on top of the porous substrate in the plastic dish.  Make sure to get all the salt out of the mixing cup and onto the porous items in the plastic dish (Note: If you use a sponge, wet it first abd squeeze dry for better sludge absorbtion).  All the salt may not go into solution; this is okay as long as you pour the extra salt on top of the items in the dish.  The porous materials in the dish will not immediately soak up all the liquid; this is okay.  The crystals will naturally grow white, like the salt.  If you want colored crystals, add a drop or two of food coloring on each item in the dish. The crystals will grow that color.
Allow the container to sit open to the atmosphere overnight.  By the next day, crystals should have formed on the items in the dish and your crystal garden should be starting to bloom. You can keep the garden “in bloom” by adding 2 more tablespoons of salt on the second day, then half batches of the whole mixture from time to time.  Make sure to pour the liquid into the base of the container and not on top of the already formed crystal blooms, as it will dissolve them and you will have to start all over…which is also a lot of fun!
The garden is formed by the salt after the water and ammonia evaporate away.  The ammonia helps to speed the evaporation of the liquid from the mixture.  The laundry bluing helps to form crystal blooms instead of crystal chunks or plates.  The bluing solution is actually a colloidal suspension; it has very small particle that will not dissolve, but are held up and separated by the liquid.  As the water evaporates away, the salt forms crystals using the colloidal particles as a seed, or nucleus, for growth.  The liquid mixture and the salt are pulled away from the bottom of the container up to the tops of the porous material by capillary action, much the same way water spreads through a sponge.  This allows you to add more mixture to the bottom and have your garden bloom and grow forever.  You could experiment by leaving out the ammonia or bluing, or changing the ratios in the recipe.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Lab Day! Fossils

Geologic Time Scale:
This week I will be taking the time to re-look over the Geologic Time Scale and hope to remember it.  I do not have the time scale fully memorized yet, but this week I plan to look over it and take time to memorize it.  I plan to learn the song from the youtube videos and or attempt to create a mnemonic device to remember it. 

Fossils are composed of animal remains.  They allow us to find old creatures, plants, and tell us about time and what may have happened many years ago. There are also many different types of fossils like: amber, trace fossils, and petrified food.  Fossils are incredible.  Amber is tree sap that is fossilized that can contain particles of insects. Trace fossils are impressions or imprints from animals, or plants.

Here is what I learned from Google and in class:
We can tell the age of fossils through radiometric dating.

Another types of fossils are compressed leaf imprinting, trilobites, molds and casts, carbonization, petrified animals and wood, and whole animals caught in the action.

Fossil Lab 2-27-13

Earlier this week my class made fossils by using plaster and sand.  The easiest fossil to get out was the 25 mL of plaster and 50 mL of sand mixture.  The next one to be the easiest was made of 50 mL plaster and 50 mL of sand.  The hardest fossil mixture to release contained 100 mL of plaster and 26 mL of sand.  Over all the first and easiest fossil mixture left the best impression.