Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Lunar Video: A Private Universe

Today in class I watched a video called "A Private Universe" produced by the Harvard-Simithsonian Center for Astrophysics made in 1987.  It was about students, alumni, and faculty beliefs about science.  I thought it was amazing and true how students, like myself, had trouble answering the questions or did not know the full reason to the questions being asked. 

First question: The reasons for the seasons are for the earth's different rotations and far away we are from the Sun. The answer I have written is not right.

  • The correct answer for the reason seasons occur is when the Earth spins on its axis it spins in a elliptical manner.  Summer occurs when the Earth's axis is tilted towards the Sun.  Winter occurs when the Earth's axis is titlted away from the sun.  And for the other seasons like Spring and Fall the Earth's axis will be pointed 90 degrees from the Sun, according to the National Weather Service in Louisville KY. 

Another question asked was: What is the reason for the phases of the moon?

The reason for the phases of the moon is for the gravitational tilt of Earth's axis and how the Sun is lined up to the Earth and moon.  The Sun will illuminate the moon.My answer is incorrect, and I am drawing a blank.  Under Pressure~.

  • The real reason for the moon's different phases is from Earth's moon orbiting the earth and reflects sunlight from the Sun. 
moon phases diagram

Here is a fun song to teach about the moon's phases to elementary students!This song is educational, fun, and very catchy!

Monday, January 14, 2013

M&M Learning Model

Today in Earth Science I learned a wonderful method on how to describe to children the layers of the Earth.  The Lithosphere of the Earth has two main cores, an inner (plastic) core and an outer (liquid) core, a solid mantle, a plastic upper mantle, and a solid crust.  Below I have provided an image I have found on Google to describe the layers of the Earth. 

To help students understand the Earth's layers, my teacher shared with us the M&M method.  What one does is bite half of a chocolate peanut M&M.  A student can then observe the layers of the M&M and will be able to label the treat to understand the concept of Earth's layers and how M&M's and the Earth are similar.

A peanut M&M and the Earth's layers are similar because they each contain a crust; in this case an M&M has a chocolate casing, an inner and outer core, and a mantle.  Even though the peanut M&M does not have a liquid or plastic core, a student will be able to understand that this delicious treat contains many layers.  This will help students visualize and remember the Earth's layers.  Below I have provided an image I found on Google of a half eaten M&M that I have labeled.

This was a fantastic experiment and if I have the chance to teach my future students Earth's layers I will use the M&M method if I have an old enough group.  I would have never have thought of using an M&M to design a way for students to visualize and remember the layers.  I know because of this project, I will never forget the layers.  This was a fun representation and afterwords a nice treat to enjoy!

Below are the websites I used for the pictures:

1st picture:

2nd picture:,r:87,s:0,i:353